This is for the "Al-Kuttab" course of Quran memorization.

Classrooms' Links

Click on the name of your teacher to access your class.

Students' name lists

  1. Check you name (use the search box if necessary), your teacher's name, your class time (Eastern time: New York, Montreal).
  2. To access your class, click on the name of your teacher's name above that will open a Zoom link.

Name of responsibleName of dependentName of ClassTeacher's nameClass time
Ahmed MohamedJuzz 28 - MenHayba Abdel-GhafarSunday 2:00 PM (EST)
Ali MohamedJuzz 28 - MenHayba Abdel-GhafarSunday 2:00 PM (EST)
Nezha El AbartaJuzz 29 - GirlsMariam AlshafeieSaturday 11:00 AM (EST)
ali uqdahJuzz 28 - MenHayba Abdel-GhafarSunday 2:00 PM (EST)
Alpha Amadou BarryJuzz 29 - BoysM. Abdel-BasitSunday 4:00 PM (EST)
El Hadj Tiemoko SidibeJuzz 29 - BoysM. Abdel-BasitSunday 4:00 PM (EST)
Abdelbacet عبدالباسط Ghrob غربAdultsM. Abdel-BasitTuesday 3:00 PM (EST) & Thursday 3:00 PM (EST)
Mohammad AbdallahAdam AbdallahJuzz 30 - BoysMustafa SabirSun 10:00 AM (EST), Wed 5:00 PM (EST)
Elhussein AbdellatifAdam AbdellatifMustafa SabirSunday 9:00 AM (EST)
Hesham AbdelrazekAhmed AbdelrazekJuzz 28 - MenHayba Abdel-GhafarSunday 2:00 PM (EST)