Arabic Course
The "Arabic" course offered by QMC is to teach Reading, understanding and writing Arabic for ages from 5-17 years old. The course is taught by carefully selected qualified teachers and using the latest techniques and most effective curricula.
By the end of the program, the student will achieve the course objectives with respect to reading, understanding and writing Arabic predetermined for each age category.
This course is for all genders and levels. The teacher meets with students twice weekly, so that the number of monthly classes are 8. The duration of each class is 0.75 hours (45 minutes) so that the total class hours per month are 6 hours. Exceptionally some classes may be given once weekly, each of 1 hour and half. In all cases, the total course hours per month are 6 hours.
Pre-course level assessment - For optimal placement in the appropriate level.
Qualified teachers - Already having experience and licensed.
Regular evaluations - per class and per-trimester.
Motivations - by prizes and awards for distinguished students.
Arabic at our Children's Hands Series
We use this series as course material
Arabic at your Hands Series (Adults)
For AdultsWe use this series as course material for Adults.
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Teachers' Profiles

Dr. Mohamed Murachaha
Academic ProfessorProfessor Dr. Muhammad Mashrafa holds a BA in Arabic Language and Literature from the Arabic Language Department at the College of Arts and Human Sciences (University of Aleppo) in 1983. Then he obtained a Postgraduate Diploma, Linguistics Division, from the Arabic Language Department at the College of Arts and Humanities (University of Aleppo) In 1985. Then he obtained a certificate of in-depth studies (equivalent to a master’s degree) from the University of Grenoble III (France) in 1990 and then a doctorate in modern theatre, from the University of Grenoble III (1993).
He worked as a professor in teaching the Arabic language to foreigners and the Arabic language to non-specialists. With more than twenty-five years of experience, he is a professor of teaching French language and literature, and a professor of “Literature and Criticism in the West” and “Comparative Literature”. He was appointed as the head of the Arabic Language Department at the College of Arts at the University of Aleppo between 2015 and 2017. He also worked as a professor at the College of Arabic Language and Social Studies at Qassim University (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) from 2005 to 2010. For more information, click here to access his LinkedIn page.
الأستاذ الدكتور محمد مرشحة حاصل على الإجازة في اللغة العربية وآدابها من قسم اللغة العربية في كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية (جامعة حلب) عام 1983. ثم حصل على دبلوم الدراسات العليا، شعبة اللغويات، من قسم اللغة العربية في كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية (جامعة حلب) عام 1985. ثم حصل على شهادة الدراسات المعمّقة (تعادل الماجستير) من جامعة غرونوبل الثالثة (فرنسة) عام 1990. ومن ثم على الدكتوراه في المسرح الحديث، من جامعة غرونوبل الثالثة (1993). عمل أستاذاً في تدريس اللغة العربية للأجانب واللغة العربية لغير المختصين بها؛ بخبرة تتجاوز خمسًا و عشرين سنة؛ وأستاذاً في تدريس اللغة الفرنسية وآدابها، وأستاذاً في "الأدب والنقد في الغرب" و "الأدب المقارن". عُيِّن رئيسًا لقسم اللغة العربية في كلية الآداب بجامعة حلب بين عامي 2015 و 2017 كما عمل أستاذاً في كلية اللغة العربية والدراسات الاجتماعية بجامعة القصيم (المملكة العربية السعودية) من 2005 إلى 2010. لمزيد من المعلومات اضغط على صفحته المهنية في هذا الرابط.

Sara Yahya
LicensedTeacher, Sarah Yahya Ahmed Mohamed, graduated from the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom, Cairo University in 2016, and is currently studying a master's degree from the same Faculty of Dar Al Uloom.
She worked as a teacher of Arabic and Islamic education at Al-Bukhari Azhar institutes for more than 4 years.
She attended many specialized courses: 1- The course of teaching Alfiya Ibn Malik - the Nominal sentence and its Nawasikh at Muftah Al Uloom Center. 2- The basics of Arabic “Sarf” - Muftah Al Uloom Center. 3- Basics and Skills of Scientific Research - Language Training Center, Cairo University. 4- Functional Grammar and Arabic Language Skills - Language Training Center, Cairo University. 5- Two workshops (a new approach in teaching spelling) by Edobair Educational Services Company.
المعلمة سارة يحيى أحمد محمد ، تخرجت في كلية دار العلوم جامعة القاهرة سنة 2016، وتدرس حاليا في درجة الماجستير من كلية دار العلوم عملت معلمة للغة العربية والتربية الإسلامية في معاهد البخاري الأزهرية منذ أكثر من 4 سنوات حصلت على العديد من الدورات المتخصصة هي:1- دورة شرح ألفية ابن مالك – الجملة الاسمية ونواسخها- مركز مفتاح العلوم .2- أساسيات الصرف العربي – مركز مفتاح العلوم. 3- أساسيات البحث العلمي ومهاراته – مركز التدريب اللغوي جامعة القاهرة.4- النحو الوظيفي ومهارات اللغة العربية – مركز التدريب اللغوي جامعة القاهرة. 5- ورشتي عمل (منحى جديد في تدريس الإملاء ) شركة ايدوباير للخدمات التعليمية.

Noha Nasr Alkholi
USASister Noha Nasr Alkholi, graduated from the Faculty of Physical Therapy 1995, Cairo University, Egypt. She lives in Michigan, United States, for 25 years now. She taught Quran for more than 14 years in the Muslim community and works as a part-time Quran teacher in Greater Lansing Islamic School for 9 years now. She loves and excels in teaching Arabic and Quran for kids as she feels the importance of that for young Muslims. She also received a lot of experience and training while working full time in the Islamic school. She loves to accompany kids in their journey of learning Quran and Arabic.
الأخت نهى نصر الخولي، تخرجت من كلية العلاج الطبيعي سنة 1995، جامعة القاهرة، مصر. تعيش في ميشيغان بالولايات المتحدة لمدة 25 عامًا حتى الآن. قامت بتدريس القرآن لأكثر من 14 عامًا في الجالية المسلمة وعملت بدوام جزئي في مدرسة للقرآن في مدرسة لانسينغ الإسلامية الكبرى لمدة 9 سنوات حتى الآن. تحب وتتميز في تدريس اللغة العربية والقرآن للأطفال والذي ينبع من شعورها بأهمية ذلك بالنسبة للشباب المسلم. كما تلقت الكثير من الخبرة والتدريب أثناء عملها بدوام كامل في المدرسة الإسلامية. تحب مرافقة الأطفال في رحلتهم لتعلم القرآن واللغة العربية.

Amany Serry
SkillfulTeacher Amany Serry graduated from the Faculty of Mass Communication (2008,) Cairo university, Egypt. She is fond of teaching Quran and delivering its noble message to humanity. She has an experience of 10-years in teaching Quran and Arabic language for native and non-native Arabic speakers. She has prepared and taught many courses in these fields. In addition to her professional experience in her subjects, she has a particular pedagogic approach that mixes between joy and fun making the learning process through the use of games and other interactive activities. This is the reason why students are always strongly interested and attached to her classes.
الأستاذة أماني سري تخرجت من كلية الإعلام (2008) جامعة القاهرة ، مصر. هي معلمة مغرمة بتعليم القرآن وإيصال رسالته الكريمة للإنسانية و لديها خبرة 10 سنوات في تدريس القرآن واللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها. أعدت وقدمت العديد من الدورات في هذين المجالين. لديها نهج تربوي خاص يمزج بين التسلية والمتعة أثناء عملية التعلم من خلال استخدام الألعاب والعديد من الأنشطة التفاعلية الأخرى. هذا ما يجعل الطلاب يحبون و يهتمون ويرتبطون بفصولها.
Registrations & Tuition Fees
Steps of registration in the course:

You can register for the course and pay monthly by automatic payments. The course's duration is two trimesters (8 months), that should be taken consecutively for guaranteed results.
Register NOW- Pay for the course (by clicking here) for the required number of individuals and months.
- You will receive an email containing your Invoice/Order Number (Starting with “QMC-“).
- Use this "Invoice/Order Number" to fill this registration form in that is necessary to assign an appropriate class to you.
- You will receive an email from: containing your submitted form and consent.
- Reply to the received email to give your consent and activate your registration in Al-Kuttab.
- You will be contacted to fix the timing of your course so that you start effectively taking lessons after one business week, God willing.
- Your order will remain under "Processing" until you are placed in your class and you take your first lesson when the order will be considered "Completed". (until then, we and you have the right to cancel your order and get a refund)